
Information about your horse
Enter your start information here. You will give more details in the coming screens.
When you have completed a ration which your will use, you should print it and send it by email to your home address. Tick the checkbox to email a file with information about your horse. You can continue working with the horse on your home computer. Download and install PC-Horse if you don't have it already.
Click "Continue" when you are done with this page - to complete your horse's ration.



Information about your roughage
You will make your ration on the next screens.
It is possible to enter your own feed analysis of the hay, haylage or pasture which your horse eats today. If you do not have a feed analysis, you may select a standard roughage from our database. Then you find the right amounts of each feed, and print the ration. Before exiting, you can edit the email which you send yourself.
Click on the top-right "Close" button on the hosre screen when you have finished. The programme wil reset itself. Informations provided about your horse and feeding will not be stored on the machine.