
To get started: Provide information about your horse.

Fill in the horse's name, owner, sex, birth date and breed. When you are ready, click: «Information OK»
In the Mini-version you will not be able to change these informations! Take therefore care to control the horse's data before you accept the information and proceed to the next screen.

Please note: The Mini-version of PC-Horse is only for one (1) horse. However you may upgrade your license at al times to a license which permits you to have many horses.


Next: Give information about your roughage (NOW, or LATER at your own choice).

1.You can select your roughage based on the standard roughages already included in PC-Horse. Click the button «I do not have a datafile». Then, give the feed a name, and select one of the available alternatives. You may also provide values for some of the nutrients, if the roughage is analysed. PC-Horse will select suitable standard values for the remaining nutrients.
2. If you have an analysed roughage from Eurofins or another collaborating feed laboratory, and have received the analysis as an xml-file, you may load the analysis directly. Select the button «I have a data file (xml-file)» and follow the instructions.

When finished, you click the «Save feed» button. The feed will be preselected in the horse's ration, and you will find it in the feed list of the Mini-stable under the headings «Roughage» and «MY FEEDS». You may enter as many of your own feeds as you wish later, and use them in the horse's ration.


When everything is filled in and controlled - click the button:

«All information given. Save and proceed