
To the left,
enter the main characteristics of your horse. You must provide the name, ownership, sex, date of birth and race.

In the Mini-version these information’s may not be changed when first accepted! Please check the information carefully before you proceed.

NOTE! You can only use mini-version for one (1) horse. You can however always upgrade to a version that allows you to create multiple horses.



To the right,
you may provide information about the roughage type and quality that you use for your own horse. If you have your own feed analysis, you may fill in the most important nutrients in the edit fields. PC-Horse selects standard concentrations for nutrients which are not given.

Name your feed and click the "Save feed" button. You can change the feed data, and add more custom feeds at a later occasion. The feeds you enter are stored under the heading GENERIC FEED in the feed list belonging to your stable.

When all tasks are completed, press you on "All information given. Save and proceed"